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historichousefitters - #2691-3 Heart Gate Thumblatch Set
MA C H I N E - F O R G E D   I R O N

Gate Thumblatch Sets

Decorate your garden gate with either of these sturdy and attractive thumblatches. The nine-   piece set includes all hardware necessary for in-swing or out-swing installations. The large handles provide a generous grip and all parts are extra heavy for rugged use. For gates or doors up to 4” thick. Textured matte black finish. (Specify gate or door thickness when ordering).



Bean Gate Thumblatch Set
9 3/4” L x 3 3/4” W.


Heart Gate Thumblatch Set
10 3/4” L x 2 3/4” W.

Ball & Chain Gate Closer

We’re told that cannon ball and chain gate
closers such as these were once used at
Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello.

(Ball and chain are hot dipped galvanized and finished in Matte Black Powder Coat).

Ball & Chain Gate Closer
Ball: 3 1/2” Dia.
Chain: 60” L.

Gate & Door Pulls

Bean Door Pull
9 3/4” L x 3 3/4” W.
Heart Door Pull
10 3/4” L x 2 3/4” W.

Gate Strap Hinges

Perfect for hanging all types of outdoor gates and out building doors, these threaded pintle style strap hinges can handle up to 250-lbs (carriage bolt mounted). Decorative dummy straps can be used to complete the look. Textured matte black finish.
(Specify either “carriage bolts” or “wood screw” mounting).

F) Bean Gate Straps: Textured Finish H) Bean Dummy Straps: Textured Finish
  6051-3 15” Gate Strap   617-3 17” Dummy Strap
  6052-3 19” Gate Strap   621-3 21” Dummy Strap
G) Heart Gate Straps: Textured Finish I) Heart Dummy Straps: Textured Finish
  6049-3 17” Gate Strap   619-3 19" Dummy Strap
  6050-3 20” Gate Strap   622-3 22" Dummy Strap

Gate Cane Bolts

We offer 2 styles of cane bolts that are typically used when gates, hinged from opposite sides, swing to meet each other in the center of a walkway or path. The cane bolt secures one gate while the other gate latches to it. Textured matte black finish.



Square Plate Cane Bolt
18” L x 1 1/2” W.


Heart Plate Cane Bolt
18” L x 2 3/4” W.


Part Number Description Cost  Product Options Qty
Gate & Barn Hardware  
A 2791-3 Bean Gate Thumblatch Set $175.25            
B 2691-3 Heart Gate Thumblatch Set $175.25            
C 3579 Ball & Chain Gate Closer: NOW with a Matte Black Powder Coat Finish $159.75            
D 2791-3D Bean Door Pull $98.85            
E 2691-3D Heart Door Pull $98.85            
F 6051-3 15 inch Bean Gate Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
6052-3 19 inch Bean Gate Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
G 6049-3 17 inch Heart Gate Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
6050-3 20 inch Heart Gate Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
H 617-3 17 inch Bean Dummy Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
621-3 21 inch Bean Dummy Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
I 619-3 17 inch Heart Dummy Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
622-3 20 inch Heart Dummy Strap Hinge: Textured (each)
J 6014-3 Square Plate Cane Bolt $89.55            
K 6018-3 Heart Plate Cane Bolt $89.55            
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